- 1100 - Communication with the Public
- 1110.1 - Parent - Family Involvement
- 1110.2 - Parent Portal Acceptable Use & Safety
- 1120 - Board of Education Meetings
- 1130 - Availability of Official Documents
- 1130AR - Availability of Official Documents-Admin Regs
- 1150 - Responsibilities of School Personnel
- 1210 - School-Community Associations
- 1212 -School Volunteers - Resource Persons
- 1212AR - School Volunteers-Resource Persons -Adm. Regulations
- 1220 - Citizens Advisory Committees
- 1225 - Citizens Family Life Education Committee
- 1240 - Citizens Assistance to School Personnel
- 1250 - Visits to the Schools
- 1250AR - Administrative Regulations
- 1300.2 - Relocation Notice (Accessibility For Disabled)
- 1300.2AR - Administrative Regulations
- 1311.1 - Political Activities of School Employees
- 1311.1AR - Political Activities of School Employees
- 1311.2 - Political Activities in the Schools On School Board Property
- 1312 - Public Complaints
- 1313 - Gifts To School Personnel
- 1321- Public Performances by Students
- 1321.1 - Multi-Media Platforms
- 1324 - School-Sponsored Fundraising
- 1324AR - School-Sponsored Fundraising
- 1330.1 - Eligibility For Use of School Facilities
- 1540 - Alcoholic Beverage Consumption
- 1600 - Community Resources
- 2120.1AR - Organizational Chart
- 2121 - Line of Responsibility
- 2130 - Job Descriptions
- 2132 - Central Office Administration
- 2133 - Head Principals and Principals
- 2133.11 - House Principals and Assistant Principals
- 2133.12 - Curriculum Administrator, Curriculum Leaders and Coordinators
- 2134 - Business Administration and Supervision
- 2135.1 - High School Director of Pupil Services and Counseling
- 2137 - High School Athletic Director
- 2140 - Superintendent of Schools
- 2234 - Consultants - Treatment of Outside Reports
- 3000 - Goals and Objectives
- 3100 - Budget
- 3100AR - Budget
- 3150 - Budget Adoption
- 3170 - Education Budget Implementation
- 3210 - Miscellaneous Income - Local Funds
- 3210AR - Administrative Regulation - Miscellaneous Income - Local Funds
- 3220 - State & Federal Funds
- 3240 - Tuition Fees
- 3250 - Materials/Service: Fees, Fines, Charges - Lost/Damaged Equipment
- 3260 - Sale and Disposal of Books and Equipment
- 3260AR - Sale & Disposal of Books & Equip
- 3280 - Gifts, Grants, and Bequests
- 3280AR - Gifts
- 3280.1 - Grants and Other Revenues
- 3300 - Expenditures
- 3310 - Purchasing
- 3313.1 - Local Purchasing
- 3323 - Bids and Quotations
- 3324 - Ordering Goods & Services (Purchase Orders)
- 3324AR - Goods & Services (Purchase Orders)
- 3324AR-Emergency Justification Form
- 3324AR-Sole Source Form
- 3325 - Receiving Goods
- 3410 - System of Accounts
- 3420 - Classification of Expenditures
- 3430- Periodic Financial Reports
- 3430.2 Quarterly Reports
- 3434 - Periodic Audit
- 3440 - Inventories
- 3450 - Monies in School Buildings
- 3453 - Student Funds
- 3510 - Operation & Maintenance of Plant
- 3514 - Lending School Owned Equipment
- 3514AR - Lending Sch.-Owned Equip
- 3515 - Community Use of Sch. Facilities
- 3515AR -Community Use of School Facilities
- 3516 - Safe & Secure School Facilities, Equipment, & Grounds
- 3516.12 - Asbestos Control
- 3516.12AR - Asbestos Control
- 3516.13 - Risk Management Policy Statement
- 3516.13AR - Administrative Reg. on Safety and Health Statement
- 3516.3 - Accidents
- 3517.1 - Identification Badges
- 3517.1AR - Identification Badges
- 3520. 13 - Student Data Protection & Privacy-Cloud-Based Issues
- 3524.1 - Pest Management - Pesticide Application
- 3524.2 - Green Cleaning Program
- 3524.2AR -Green Cleaning Program
- 3532.3 - Stolen or Damaged Personal Property
- 3541 - Transportation
- 3541AR - Transportation
- 3541.32- Transportation for School-Related Trips
- 3541.33 - Special Transportation for Exceptional Children
- 3541.35 - Bus Safety - Emergency Procedures
- 3541.4 - Bus Accident with Children Aboard
- 3541.4AR - Bus Accident with Children Aboard
- 3541.44 - Rental Vehicles
- 3541.5 - Transportation Complaints
- 3542 - Food Service
- 3542.22 - Food Service Code of Conduct
- 3542.31 - Free or Reduced Price Lunches
- 3542.33 - Food Sales Other than National School Lunch Program
- 3542.42 Food Service Finances
- 3542.43 - Food Service Charging
- 3542.43AR - Food Service Charging
- 3542.45 - Vending Machines
- 3542.46 - Health Services - Sanitary Conditions
- 3543.31 - Electronic Communications Use & Retention
- 4111 - 4211 - Recruitment & Selection
- 4111.1 - 4211.1 - Non-Discrimination - Affirmative Action - Equal Employment Opportunity
- 4111.1 - 4211.1AR - Non-Discrimination - Affirmative Action - Equal Employment Opportunity
- 4112 - 4212- Appointment
- 4112.2 - Certification - Licensing
- 4112.5 - 4212.5 - Security Check - Fingerprinting
- 4112.6 - 4212.6 Personnel Records
- 4113 - 4213 - Assignment of Personnel
- 4115-4215 - Appointment & Conditions of Employment - Evaluation
- 4115-4215AR - Appointment & Conditions of Employment - Evaluation
- 4115.3 - Certified Evaluation, Termination, and Non-Renewal of Athletic Coaches
- 4116 - Tenure
- 4117.1 - 4217.1 - Retirement
- 4117.5 - 4217.5 - Termination of Employment
- 4118.112 - Title IX-Prohibition Sex Disc & Sex Harassment
- 4118.112AR - Title IX Prohibition Sex Disc
- 4118.14 — Section 504
- 4118.23 - 4218.23 - Conduct
- 4118.231 - 4218.231 - Smoking by School Employees
- 4118.232 - 4218.232 - Drug Free Workplace
- 4118.232AR - 4218.232AR Administrative Regulations
- 4118.233 - 4218.233 - Weapons and Dangerous Instruments
- 4118.24 - 4218.24 - Staff-Student Non-Frat
- 4118.24AR - 4218.24AR - Admin Regulations Staff-Student Non-Frat. Approved 7-9-15
- 4118.4 - 4218.4 - Electronic Monitoring
- 4118.5-4218.5 - FPS Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for Sch. Personnel
- 4118.51-4218.51 - Social Media
- 4118.6 - 4218.6 - Cell Phone Use
- 4121 - Substitute Teachers
- 4122 - Student Teachers and Interns
- 4121.1 - 4221.1 - Long-Term Substitutes
- 4131 - Employee Growth
- 4133 - 4233 - Authorized Transportation for Personnel
- 4135 - 4235 - Organizations
- 4135.4 - 4235.4 - Procedure for Resolving Grievances
- 4138 - 4238 - Non-School Employment
- 4140 - 4240 - Compensation and Related Benefits
- 4144 - 4244 - Insurance Benefits
- 4146 - 4246 - Employee Accommodations - Use of Workplace Facilities, Property & Resources
- 4147.1 - 4247.1 - Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens
- 4148.1 - 4248.1 - Employee Safety -Accidents and Absences
- 4150-4250 - Leaves and Vacations - Certified-Non-Certified
- 4150.1 - 4250.1- Periodic Personnel Reports
- 4151.3 - 4251.3 -Absences And Leaves- Death in Immediate Family - Bereavement
- 4151.6 - 4251.6 -Absences And Leaves - Religious Holidays
- 4151.7 - 4251.7 - Unavoidable Absences - Emergencies
- 4151.9 - 4251.9 - Absences And Leaves - Military
- 4152.6 - 4252.6 - Family and Medical Leave Act
- 4158 - 4258 -Absences And Leaves - Jury Duty
- 4212.42 - Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus Drivers
- 5111 - Admission - Placement
- 5111AR- Admission - Placement
- 5111.1 - Foreign Exchange Students
- 5111.1AR - Foreign Exchange Students
- 5113 - Attendance-Excuses-Dismissal
- 5113AR - Administration Regulations on Dismissal of Students
- 5114 - Students Suspension and Expulsion
- 5116 - School Census
- 5117.1 - Transfers Within Fairfield
- 5117.1AR - Transfers Within Fairfield
- 5118 - Resident/Non-Resident School Attendance in the FPS
- 5118AR - Resident/Non-Resident School Attendance in the FPS
- 5118.1 - Homeless Children and Youth
- 5118.1AR-Homeless Children and Youth
- 5122 - Assignments of Students to Schools
- 5123 - Promotion-Retention
- 5124 - Reporting Student Progress
- 5125 - Student Records-Confidentiality
- 5125AR - Student Records-Confidentiality
- 5125.11 - Health Medical Records
- 5125.11AR -Health-Medical Records -Release of Health Info
- 5131.111 - Video Surveillance
- 5131.6 - Substance Abuse
- 5131.6AR - Substance Abuse
- 5131.61 - Smoking
- 5131.7 - Weapons and Dangerous Instruments
- 5131.91- Hazing
- 5131.911 - Bullying
- 5131.911AR - Bullying
- 5141.21 - Administration of Medication in the Schools
- 5141.21AR Administration of Medication in the Schools
- 5141.22- Chronic Infectious Disease
- 5141.22AR - Chronic Infectious Disease
- 5141.213 - Administering Medication
- 5141.213AR - Administering Medication
- 5141.231 - Psychotropic Drug Use
- 5141.25 - Students with Special Health Care Needs - Life-Threatening Allergies and
- 5141.25AR - Students with Spec. Health Care Needs Life Threatening Allergies and..
- 5141.3 - Health Assessments Immunizations
- 5141.3AR - Health Assessments & Immunizations
- 5141.4 - Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect
- 5141.4AR - Reporting of Child Abuse-Neglect or Sexual Assault
- 5141.5 - Suicide Prevention and Intervention
- 5141.5AR - Suicide Prevention and Intervention
- 5141.71 - Exertional Heat Illness Awareness for Intramural and Interscholastic Athletics
- 5141.72 - Emergency Action Plan for Interscholastic and Intramural Athletic Events
- 5143.1 - Insurance
- 5143.3 - Student One-To-One Device Insurance Program
- 5144 - Student Discipline-Infractions-Social Events
- 5144.1 - Use of Physical Force
- 5144.1AR - Use of Physical Force
- 5144.2 - Restraint and Seclusion Exclusionary Time Out
- 5144.2AR - Restraint and Seclusion Exclusionary Time Out
- 5144.4 - Recess, Play-Based Learning, and Discipline
- 5145 - Civil and Legal Rights and Responsibilities: Non-Discrimination of Students
- 5145AR - Civil and Legal Rights and Responsibilities: Non-Discrimination of Students
- 5145.124 - Use Of Breathalyzers
- 5145.124AR - Use Of Breathalyzers
- 5145.14 - On-Campus Recruitment
- 5145.15 - Directory Information
- 5145.15AR - Directory Information
- 5145.3 - Students and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
- 5145.3AR - Students and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
- 5145.4 - Title IX Prohibition Sex Disc Sex Harassment
- 5145.4AR Title IX-Prohibition Sex Disc Sex Harassment
- 5145.5 - Exploitation: Sexual Harassment
- 5145.511 - Sexual Abuse Prevention & Educational Prog. adopted 6 7 16
- 5156 - Research Involving Students
- 6000 - Approach to Instruction
- 6010- Instruction - General
- 6111 - Student Calendar
- 6111AR - Student Calendar
- 6112 - School Day
- 6114 - Emergency & Disaster Preparedness
- 6114.1 - Fire Emergency (Drills)
- 6114.6 - School Closing For Emergency Conditions
- 6114.8 - Pandemic-Epidemic Emergencies
- 6115 - Ceremonies - United States Flag
- 6115.1 - Religious Observances And Displays
- 6121 Non-Discrimination in the Instructional Program adopted 6 7 16
- 6121.1-Reduction of Racial, Ethnic And Economic Isolation
- 6140 - Curriculum
- 6140AR - Curriculum
- 6141 - Advanced Course or Program and Challenging Curriculum
- 6141.2 - Recognition of Religious Holidays
- 6141.312 - Migrant Students
- 6141.321-Student Internet Use
- 6141.321AR - Acceptable Use Guidelines & Agreement
- 6141.322 - Web Site & Home Page Development
- 6141.322AR - Web Site & Home Page Development
- 6141.323 - Internet Acceptable Use Filtering
- 6141.324 - Publishing of Student Images
- 6141.324AR - Publishing of Student Images
- 6142.1 - Family Life and Sex Education - Family Life Exemption
- 6142.101 - Student Nutrition and Physical Activity (School Wellness)
- 6142.101AR - Administrative Regulations on Wellness
- 6142.2 - Reading - Language Arts
- 6143 - Implementation
- 6144 - Controversial Issues
- 6145.2 - Athletic Programs
- 6145.2AR -Adm. Regulations -Athletics Programs
- 6145.3 - Printed Material to Students to Take Home
- 6145.8 - Class Gifts to School
- 6146 - Requirements for Graduation
- 6146.1AR - Grading/Assessment Regulations
- 6146.11 - Weighted Grades
- 6146.12 - Post Graduate Studies
- 6148 - FAFSA Completion
- 6148AR - FAFSA Completion
- 6151 - Class Size
- 6153 - Field Trips
- 6153AR - Field Trips -Adm. Regulations
- 6154AR - Homework
- 6160 - Inst. Resources - Supplies and Equipment
- 6161 - Instructional Resources - Equipment, Books & Materials - Textbooks and Workbooks
- 6161AR - Admin Reg on Instructional Resources
- 6161.21 - Lost - Damaged Equipment
- 6161.7 - Equivalence of Resources Among the Schools
- 6162.3 - Testing
- 6162.51 - Surveys of Students
- 6162.51AR - Surveys of Students
- 6163.1 - Library Media Centers
- 6163.31 - Dissection of Animals in the Classroom
- 6163.33 - Therapy Dogs
- 6164.11 - Drugs, Tobacco, Alcohol
- 6164.12 - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
- 6164.2 - Guidance & Counseling
- 6164.5 - Speech, Language and Hearing
- 6165 - Materials Fees
- 6171.2 - Preschool Special Education
- 6172.1 - Gifted & Talented Students Program
- 6172.3 - Home Schooling
- 6172.4 - Title I Parent Involvement
- 6172.9 - Community Schools-Before And After School Programs
- 6173 - Homebound - Hospital Instruction
- 6174 - Summer School
- 6174AR - Summer School
- 6176 - Work-Study Program
- 6180 - Evaluation of the Instructional Program
- 6200 - Adult and Continuing Education
- 6225 - Examination of Instructional & Educational Material